Tuesday, November 15, 2016


You might be a victim of indoctrination if...

- millions (or tens of millions) of people disagree with you on a particular topic, and you are completely unable to conceive that some or all of them are rational, well-informed, or well-educated;

- you find it so hard to argue for your position that you mostly or entirely rely on links to outside sources that support it;

- you have a hard time differentiating comedy and social commentary, you rely on comedians to provide you with actual insight on social issues even though they themselves will hide behind the "I'm just a comedian" defense whenever criticized;

- whenever someone on "the other side" says or does something violent or extreme, you feel that it's because THEY have been indoctrinated; but whenver someone on "your" side does the same, you feel that it's "for the greater good";

- you experience an excessive physical or visceral reaction when thinking or talking about a topic that really does not affect you in any immediate, physical manner, or you are willing to pay a high personal price (losing contact with friends or family members) over something that really has no effect on you personally;

- whenever you're reading a text about some abstract concept, you just can't stop yourself from mapping the abscract and general concepts expressed in that text onto some specific facts or recent events.

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