Do you know about Project Veritas?
It's a non-profit organization with the goal of exposing corruption and dishonesty in public and private institutions.
It hit upon something big about one month before the US election. Remember those "violent Trump supporters" at early Trump rallies? The media was extatic to jump on this precious footage of Trump enthusiasts harassing and fighting with "peaceful" protesters or standers by. It allowed them to paint those people as violent, impulsive and dumb.
Turns out, there is another layer to the story, one that Project Veritas's crew uncovered with a set of hidden cameras put on key personel during the campaign. Using extremely questionable methods, they caught people working for the Democratic campaign saying disturbing things while being recorded. Scott Foval of Americans United for Change describes extensively how democrats actively troll and provoke Trump ralliers in order to bait them and provide scenes for the media to capture and use as propaganda. The more juicy part is at 7:08
He basically exposes a gigantic machination initiated by the Hillary camp against unknowing republicans. The Trump supporters were not violent on their own; they were manipulated and framed.
Now, I want you to notice 2 things about what was just exposed here:
1- What actually happened is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you thought had happened;
2- That fact changes your opinion NOT AT ALL.
That's because people are not rational and don't care about facts. They only think they do.
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