Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Facts don't matter no matter how hard you want them to.

If you want to reduce the apprehension, fear and frustration that you feel about the world, one way of doing that is by increasing your comprehension of that world.
One way of better understanding the world is, instead of trying to force your expectations and prejudices on it, you look for postulates that you could make that if true, would help you create a model that predicts and describes the world around you.
To make a postulate is to suggest or assume the existence, fact, or truth of (something) as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief. You do not pre-test this (something), or pass it through the filter of the worldview that you would like to be true. You just posit it. For example, here is a postulate that I choose to accept to describe the political world.
Lets see how it performs in answering various questions or vexations we have about said political world.
How come Donald Trump is so relentlessly popular and well-liked even though he is on record lying and denying reality hundreds of times?
How come he got 60 million votes even though he doesn't have a clear platform or specific policies?
How could he be elected president after losing badly to his opponent in all three presidential debates?
I could go on. But to summarize, my postulate seems to be working pretty well. It's not that I want it to be true; it's not that I find it intuitive, or sensible, or reasonble; it's just that if it WERE true, it would do a hell of a good job at describing the world I see around me, and it would thus increase my comprehension of that world.
So I can sleep better at night.

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