Saturday, December 31, 2016
I'm sure that you're a reasonably intelligent person, you have decent values, you care about people around you, and you take a respectable amount of time to get informed before forming a political opinion (none of that is sarcasm).
But so are other people. You do not hold a monopoly on common sense, or morality.
A worrying proportion of online debate quickly devolves into a trench war between two camps. Every person of every side of every issue is totally convinced that they have "reality" on their side because they know the "facts" while the other side is "deluded" and "just pushing their agenda". Everybody spends their time telling the other side to "do their research". Everybody is completely convinced that people holding an opposing view are "biased", "dishonest", or "have a distorted view of reality" because "their sources are wrong".
Conversations of this kind are pretty unproductive as they create resentment and they are notat all likely to make anybody think again about their position. No matter how hard you are convinced of being the one seeing clearly, people on the other side are just as convinced as you are.
And everyone's like " :( "
I would like to end this post with a short list of humble suggestions on ways to be more persuasive and pleasant in your conversations about touchy topics.
- Spend less time lecturing people about how they can't think, and more time putting your ideas out there to show how good they are.
- Try to read more than the title and/or the first few lines of an opinion text before taking a giant dump on it.
- Refrain from attacking a caricature of what the other side has said.
- End your posts with a short list of humble suggestions.
Friday, December 30, 2016
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Surprisingly few people know when to use the word "fewer" :o
Even native english speakers seem to be struggling with this simple word. So I made this quick guide.
In english, different quantity words are used depending on whether the quantity to measure is discreet or secable, ie "countable'.
If we want to measure something that is a quantity but not a number, the interrogative is "How much" and the comparatives are "More" and "Less". For example: more honey, less water.
If we are looking at separate objects and expect a number as an answer, the interrogative term is "How many" and the comparatives are "More" and "Fewer". Examples: more chairs, fewer tables.
"Less" means "a smaller quantity of". "Fewer" means "a smaller number of". The confusion arises from the fact that the antonym of both is "More".
Complete the following text with the appropriate word.
I own a restaurant. Yesterday I made more money than today because there were MORE customers in my restaurant. But tomorrow I expect to make LESS money because I expect _____ customers.
Hint : If your answer was "less", you might be a slow learner.
In english, different quantity words are used depending on whether the quantity to measure is discreet or secable, ie "countable'.
If we want to measure something that is a quantity but not a number, the interrogative is "How much" and the comparatives are "More" and "Less". For example: more honey, less water.
If we are looking at separate objects and expect a number as an answer, the interrogative term is "How many" and the comparatives are "More" and "Fewer". Examples: more chairs, fewer tables.
"Less" means "a smaller quantity of". "Fewer" means "a smaller number of". The confusion arises from the fact that the antonym of both is "More".
Complete the following text with the appropriate word.
I own a restaurant. Yesterday I made more money than today because there were MORE customers in my restaurant. But tomorrow I expect to make LESS money because I expect _____ customers.
Hint : If your answer was "less", you might be a slow learner.
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
It's easy really. Start at the North Pole (let's say you have an infinite pencil that can draw on any surface for this one). Draw a straight line all the way to the equator. Turn 90 degrees. Walk exactly one quarter of the equator. Turn 90 degrees again. Walk back to the north pole.
Boom. You just drew a triangle with 3 right angles :o
A triangle's angles need to total 180 degrees only if space is flat. If space has a positive curvature (like a sphere), it will be more. If space has a negative curvature, it will be less.
Boom. You just drew a triangle with 3 right angles :o
A triangle's angles need to total 180 degrees only if space is flat. If space has a positive curvature (like a sphere), it will be more. If space has a negative curvature, it will be less.
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Trump has gotten his (un)fair share of criticism for his use of Twitter. Apparently, it reveals that he's "off the hook" and "impulsive" and "is having ameltdown a 3AM". But here's my 2 cents on it.
- The people who are making those criticisms are the ones who have been wrong about him since the beginning: they were saying that he was just a joke candidate and should not even run; then they said he had no chance at all; they trusted the polls; they predicted the market would crash and it did the exact opposite... Judging those people's track record at making predictions, I'm not sure I trust their analysis.
- Trump does not go after people that don't attack him. He only ever retaliates when things are said about him that he judges to be unfair. He just wants to let everyone know that if you pick a fight with him, you'll get a bloody nose.
- Twitter allows him to bypass the mainstream media almost entirely and talk directly to the people. That's part of his appeal and integral to his brand: a man of the people who gets his message across unfiltered.
- His mastery of Twitter would be impressive coming from anyone, but at 70 years old, it's exemplary. It's easy to underestimate the mental acumen needed to correctly carry a message in 140 characters. He completely smashes the prejudice that old people are supposed to be bad at, or scared of, technology. Plus it allows him to reach an entire segment of the population that spends its time online and doesn't care at all about TV.
I suspect that his intense use of Twitter was much more helpful than not in his quest for the Presidency...and that is one of the reasons the bitter leftwing media can't stop bashing him for it.
Man! Have you seen that movie??? Greatest thing ever! Woah! So awesome! That action scene? Where the guy does the thing! JESUS H. CHRIST! I was blown away! And that ending....PERFECT! Never seen anything so great. Just a classic all-around, 11 out of ten, Everybody should go see this movie, it's the best work of art of all time, it's gonna make a sextillion dollars on opening weekend.
...What? They're planning a sequel? HOW DARE THEY??? Monsters! They're ruining my childhood! That's such a lazy cash grab! Where's the integrity? They should be ashamed! Hollywood doesn't have any original ideas, like, EVER!
...What? They're planning a sequel? HOW DARE THEY??? Monsters! They're ruining my childhood! That's such a lazy cash grab! Where's the integrity? They should be ashamed! Hollywood doesn't have any original ideas, like, EVER!
Saturday, December 24, 2016
I saw this most excellent article recently.
Actual scientific litterature showing that women are measurably better than men at taking care of vulnerable, sick people? As a man, this makes me full of joy. Not only does it confirm my lifelong prejudice that women have more empathy than men (who have more systems-oriented brains), but now we have a way of actually saving more lives and making peoples' lives better using this knowledge.
Now that we have actual credible evidence that female physicians are better at their very important jobs (only, you know, saving lives), I can't wait for society to start discriminating towards female applicants in universities, and to start paying practicing female physicians their due. If women do as good a job, they should receive equal pay. If they do a BETTER job, by all means give them higher pay.
There's a major problem with western society at large (and you see me coming from a mile away), which is that whenever a situation like this occurs but with the genders reversed, it becomes sexist misogynistic barbaric forbidden knowledge. If the same study had shown that men save more lives and cure more illness, there is simply no way it could have been reported accurately. The media would be trying to either hide it, spin it in a spectacularly dihonest way, or blame the results of the study on russian hackers. (Ba-dum PSSH). This needs to stop. Just as this study needs to come out, I need to be able to say "I expect male pro hockey players to be paid more because they're better at it and draw a hundred times more fans and bring in a thousand times more money than female pro hockey players" without being crucified and called every name in the book. We need to be able to celebrate, instead of shunning, the strenghts and accomplishments of BOTH genders
It might take a while to bring this idea back to the front of public consciousness, but men and women are DIFFERENT. They have different biology, different brain chemistry, different priorities, values and tastes. Men are not better than women in any absolute way. Woman are not better than men in any absolute way. But not being better is not the same thing as being identical.
Thursday, December 22, 2016
...does it take to change a lightbulb?
Only one, but he needs 8 tries before he changes the right one.
Only one, but he needs 8 tries before he changes the right one.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
An important quality in a leader is the art of setting a standard of quality that is both satisfactory for the team as a whole and realistically attainable by individual members.
If you set it too low, the work quality is not going to be what it could be or what it should be.
If I come to work every day knowing that I can't ever suffer any negative consequences no matter how much I botched my job the day before, it's gonna be very hard for me to strive for excellence.
But if you set it too high, people are going to stop trying to attain it.
If I give you 98% and all you do is complain that you didn't get 99%, soon I'm gonna stop making that extra effort to make you happy.
Be smart, set the bar high, but keep it clearable.
Diversity is an absolute necessity in any modern society. Including every subgroup of people at every level is the best way to make sure that you have maximum productivity and happiness.
You need diversity of color: you need white people, but you also need yellow people, pink people, and every shade of brown from caffe latte to bitter chocolate. Especially on promotional and marketing material.
You need diversity of gender : men and women need to be represented equally in every profession no matter what. 50% mailwomen, 50% female nurses, 50% female garbage truck drivers, 50% female construction workers, 50% female soldiers. Because.
You need diversity of age : you need young people and old people everywhere. Nothing is possible if you don't have every age group included.
You need diversity of religion : you gotta have people believing in every possible combination of unverifiable nonsense; you gotta have those who believe in one god, those who believe in trillions of gods, those who believe that god has blonde hair and those who believe that he's got brown hair.
You need diversity....of thought? Oh! No! That's bad! Can't have people disagreeing among themselves about anything can we? That would be a disaster! Think about the ensuing mayhem if there ever was a discussion about any topic and someone somewhere had an idea that isn't already uniformly accepted by the rest of the group! Boom! End of the world right there. No no, everyone must make sure to say (and think) all the right things all the time, and nothing else ever.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
I often hear bitter people moaning about how the rich "waste" their money.
"How can you waste a hundred (or a thousand, or ten thousand or whatever) dollars on such a silly thing? It's sooooo not worth that much." They'll say. For example, let's picture a very very rich kid who enjoys Magic the Gathering. In order to win just a little more often, the kid buys a super powerful card for 1000$ from Ebay. What an idiot! How dare he throw away such a large sum on something so trivial? Doesn't he realize how hard it is to earn a thousand dollars?
The answer to that question is "You're counting the wrong way". As in, you're not picturing money in a way that would allow you to answer your own question.
Let's say a kid from Bangladesh comes up to you and asks "How can you be so stupid as to waste a whole dollar on a can of soda? That's a day's work!" What would you tell him? Probably something along the lines of "One dollar is really not much to me". Well, the difference between you and that kid is about the same as the difference between you and the rich kid. So associating a specific amount to a specific good is meaningless. What you need to ask is "How much TIME would I be willing to dedicate to acquiring this good?", because that's really what you are doing when you're buying anything: you're exchanging a given amount of paid work that you have done in the past for something that you need or want now.
So let's say you earn 10$ an hour, and you want that 1000$ card. What you are spending is 100 hours of revenue. But if you earned 1000$ an hour, you would really only be spending one hour of revenue. If you earned 100000$ an hour (as quite a few people actually do), that card would be worth 36 seconds of your work, and so on.
Would you spend 36 seconds of your time acquiring something that you think you will enjoy quite a lot? I bet you would. Let's say you had a bank card with an arbitrarily large sum of money associated with it. The concrete result of having such a card would be that you could swipe it anywhere to acquire anything, and the amount still available would not change in any significant way. That's exactly what rich people are doing : spending a negligible fraction of a day's work on something they want. Whereas that negligible fraction will get you a can of soda, their negligible fraction will net them a brand-new car for their collection. But deep down, you're both doing the same thing.
That's why if you want to fantasize about your "perfect rich life", ie what you would do if you were a billionaire, you don't ask yourself "What would I do if I had a billion dollars?" but rather "What would I do if everything was free?"
Monday, December 19, 2016
How come girls are doing so much better than boys in school?
Feminists will be happy to say that this is due to gilrs becoming more mature more quickly than boys, being better at listening, better behaved, and generally just being superior human beings compared to boys.
But one factor that is hard to ignore is the unfair advantage that girls get because female teachers (who are the overwhelming majority of teachers, which for some reason does not outrage feminists who are "all about equality") give girls higher grades when presented with identical material to grade.
A large-scale scientific study across 60 countries reveal that female teacher will systematically and unfairly grade a paper or an assignment higher if they think it was produced by a female student, rather than being presented anonymously or under a boy's name.
So from the earliest age, boys have to work harder to get the same result and recognition. This piles up over other factors like limited access to physical education, the reduction or even abolition or recess time, restriction on what activites are allowed during said recess, and so on. Gee, I wonder if we could call that discrimination?
And all that unfairness doesn't even benefit girls, since better grades do not at all translate to better job performance, better career paths and better income if they were earned because of a systemic failure and are not the result of actual performance.
Where's the outrage?
Sunday, December 18, 2016
I'm a victim! I'm oppressed! It's winter where I live, and it snows. When there's a major snowfall, they plough the roads and the sidewalks right away, but sometimes they wait up to a day before they free the bicycle path :( As a cyclist, I am thus discriminated against and that is unfair. This is vehicularism! I want to be able to ride to work on the same day there was a snowstorm dammit! The worst part of all this is, I live in a world where this text could be taken seriously by some people lol.
Saturday, December 17, 2016
The following phrases and expressions have been rendered completely useless, thanks to us using them in more and more generous ways until their meaning becomes so vague that we might as well not use them at all anymore.
Jumping the Shark : originally a direct reference to a particular scene in a particular popular TV series.
Intended meaning : is supposed to designate a crucial, irreversible moment in a story or person's career where they lose all credibility. The crucial part is that the blunder commited is supposed to be so major that no recovery is possible. For example, the death of a very important (non superhero) character in a series; or a politician being convicted of a major crime and going to jail.
Current meaning : whenever anybody does anything we don't like. "Lucas really jumped the shark with the Ewoks"; "My friend totally jumped the shark with that Facebook post".
Dunning-Krueger : the Dunning-Krueger Effect is a cognitive bias in which low-ability individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability as much higher than it really is. It was originally discovered with a rather specific set of studies in which people of different abilitty levels were systematically unable to evaluate in which percentile they were located regarding their own performance.
Intended meaning : it's only meaningful to talk about DKE when you're talking about groups of people, and you have some objective way of measuring the relative performances of the members of that group.
Current meaning : used to describe anyone you think is not as good as he thinks; basically a synonym of "bragger" or blowhard".
Click-Bait : a type of internet article written with the overt intent of generating "clicks", or page views.
Intended meaning : "click-bait" articles are supposed to be mostly devoid of any content at all, political or otherwise, take very little time to write, and most importantly be spread over several pages in order to maximize clicking and ad revenue. You can have a Top-50 of something spread out over 50 pages with a single sentence and a lone picture on each page as an egregious example.
Current meaning : an article that says something you don't feel like hearing, no matter how true, rational or articulate it is. "CNN is just click-bait"; "Fox News is just click-bait".
Racist/Sexist/Misogynist/Homophobe/Transphobe/Fascist/White Supremacist : you can look up the official definitions in a dictionary I guess.
Current meaning : words you call someone if you have nothing intelligent to say about or against them or their arguments.
Friday, December 16, 2016
Just this year, I have discovered the following intellectuals and learned quite a lot from them. A lot of what you find here was inspired by one or more of those guys. Just off the top of my head :
Milo Yiannopoulos : talk about being created by your society. This guy is a direct product of the silly, stuck-up, over-PC culture that pollutes school campuses in north America. He is basically an antidote to these anti-fun thought police : he's arrogant, provocative, and generally a hellraiser and a troll. But he's also very funny, smart and articulate. If you actually take time to listen to his message and not just focus on the (ahem) "colored" vocabulary he uses, you can't see there's not a malicious bone in his body. He just gives people "tough love" as he would put it. I discovered him on the Rubin Report as he was shitting on atheists. As a hardcore atheist myself, I found his take pretty amusing and a little bit too accurate for comfort lol. Milo is also an exemplar on how to be able to take criticism of all kinds and being available for debate.
Scott Adams : the dumbest thing you can say about this guy is "B..b..but he's just a cartoonist!" He actually has an IQ high enough that he could've get a high-end career at NASA; it's just that he wanted a job he could do in his pajamas. He started Periscoping about a year ago, and his brilliant insight on the role of persuasion in politics was a beacon for me (and lots of others apparently). In part thanks to him, I understood that Trump had great chances of winning the presidency, and I saw lots of upside to that.
Jordan Peterson : that psychologist from TorontoU who made the news because he refuses to use those silly made-up pronouns. The man shows terrific untellectual courage and honesty. His level of discourse about the true causes and motivations of the SJW/PC movements is awesome. His course "Maps of meaning" is very interesting and available as a series of YT videos. Not only does he have a rock-solid mastery of his subject, he's also got style and contagious passion.
Stephan Molyneux : a canadian philosopher with a motormouth. Just the sheer quantity of stuff he puts out would be enough to be impressive. He's knowledgeable about lots of things and he's not afraid to tackle touchy issues. His stance on mens' issues and his denunciation of the excessive gynocentrism of western societies is highly needed.
Dave Cullen (Computing Forever) : a UK guy with a penchant for anti-social justice rants. His "regressive news" feature is very informative. He's a funny guy and his SJW/entitled millenial impressions are just too funny.
Milo Yiannopoulos : talk about being created by your society. This guy is a direct product of the silly, stuck-up, over-PC culture that pollutes school campuses in north America. He is basically an antidote to these anti-fun thought police : he's arrogant, provocative, and generally a hellraiser and a troll. But he's also very funny, smart and articulate. If you actually take time to listen to his message and not just focus on the (ahem) "colored" vocabulary he uses, you can't see there's not a malicious bone in his body. He just gives people "tough love" as he would put it. I discovered him on the Rubin Report as he was shitting on atheists. As a hardcore atheist myself, I found his take pretty amusing and a little bit too accurate for comfort lol. Milo is also an exemplar on how to be able to take criticism of all kinds and being available for debate.
Scott Adams : the dumbest thing you can say about this guy is "B..b..but he's just a cartoonist!" He actually has an IQ high enough that he could've get a high-end career at NASA; it's just that he wanted a job he could do in his pajamas. He started Periscoping about a year ago, and his brilliant insight on the role of persuasion in politics was a beacon for me (and lots of others apparently). In part thanks to him, I understood that Trump had great chances of winning the presidency, and I saw lots of upside to that.
Jordan Peterson : that psychologist from TorontoU who made the news because he refuses to use those silly made-up pronouns. The man shows terrific untellectual courage and honesty. His level of discourse about the true causes and motivations of the SJW/PC movements is awesome. His course "Maps of meaning" is very interesting and available as a series of YT videos. Not only does he have a rock-solid mastery of his subject, he's also got style and contagious passion.
Stephan Molyneux : a canadian philosopher with a motormouth. Just the sheer quantity of stuff he puts out would be enough to be impressive. He's knowledgeable about lots of things and he's not afraid to tackle touchy issues. His stance on mens' issues and his denunciation of the excessive gynocentrism of western societies is highly needed.
Dave Cullen (Computing Forever) : a UK guy with a penchant for anti-social justice rants. His "regressive news" feature is very informative. He's a funny guy and his SJW/entitled millenial impressions are just too funny.
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Here are some things you can do when you are rich.
- Eat great food.
- Work a light schedule
- Get up when you want to, without the need for an alarm clock
- Be doing what you feel like doing at pretty much any moment of the day.
- Travel a lot.
Jeez, I just realised I've been doing all those things for the last several years. I guess I'm rich.
Monday, December 12, 2016
Hi! Have a seat. I just wanted a quick meeting with you to bring you some great news. You have not been here very long, but your excellent performance has made us reevaluate your position in the company. We have decided to award you a major promotion!
First of all, your job title will be changed to something quite a bit longer and more pompous. We might even add "Senior" or something like that in front of it. And you will be the beneficiary of lots of new responsibilities, as someone of your magnitude deserves to be. We will provide you with a new, longer task description that fully recognizes how valuable you are to the company. Your will receive an exclusive new plaque with your name and title on it; be sure to display it proudly on your desk, so others can marvel at your privilege and be inspired by your excellence.
Of course you realize that your salary and conditions will remain the same for now and for an undeterminate amount of time in the future. Because no matter how great you are, the company cannot afford additional expenditures at the moment. Even though your new position will require countless additional hours of unpaid labor, we know that someone of your caliber acknoledges that what matters is being an important part of this company's vision. After all, the current economic conjecture plus projected profitability minus calculated actuarial range and so on and so forth, right?
I hope you're happy about your promotion.
Oh! On the way out, when you walk in front of the abandoned desk that used to belong to your downsized coworker, could you pick up his pile of untreated files and add it to your own? That would be super appreciated.
Baldwin's SNL portrayal of Trump is pure genius.
Not because it's any good, of course. It's completely off. Trump does not sound or act anything like that. The hand gestures are not really similar; the voice is off; facial expressions? Nah. But most importantly, the character is not the same at all. Alec sounds much meaner, much more vindictive, and much more stupid than the real Trump. If you have spent one hour of your life one time to actually hear the man speak, it's pretty obvious to you that the portrayal is poor.
The genius comes from the fact that Baldwin portrays exactly what people WANT to see in Trump. He's a perfect, carbon copy representation of what you THINK Trump is like if you know little about the actual Trump (an alarming number of people know very little about the actual Trump).
Also, the sketches are super funny.
I just hope they don't stretch this skit out too much. Now is as good a time as any to stop.
10 - Asteroid Belt: That stupid thing couldn't coalesce into a sphere? WTF?
9- Neptune: Super boring. Is literally the last planet now that the other one was reclassified for some reason.
9- Neptune: Super boring. Is literally the last planet now that the other one was reclassified for some reason.
8- Saturn: Is pretty useful for accelerating the occasional space probe.
7- Jupiter: I guess that giant storm thingy is kinda cool.
6- Mars: Was the star of an Arnold movie in the 90s.
5- Mercury: Parts of it can be melted and put in tubes of glass to indicate the temperature.
4- Venus: Almost made us believe it had dinosaurs on it once.
3- Uranus: You can't ever get tired of hearing that pun.
2- Earth: Hosts us. That's a positive thing, right? Right?
1- Aw crap.
7- Jupiter: I guess that giant storm thingy is kinda cool.
6- Mars: Was the star of an Arnold movie in the 90s.
5- Mercury: Parts of it can be melted and put in tubes of glass to indicate the temperature.
4- Venus: Almost made us believe it had dinosaurs on it once.
3- Uranus: You can't ever get tired of hearing that pun.
2- Earth: Hosts us. That's a positive thing, right? Right?
1- Aw crap.
That was a while ago, wasn'it?
It was 3 recounts, 2 death threats to college electors, and one very vague and Weekly-World-News-like accusation of russian hacking ago actually :p
Seriously though, how many times have you seen that scenario play out?
A treats B like shit because B according to A, B would do something that A wouldn't like if X happened, even though X has not happened and B has done nothing wrong at all. And then A goes on to actually do exactly what he shat on B for.
There's no way to be absolutely sure of course, but I suspect that if Trump had lost, he wouldn't have acted half as silly as the Dems are now.
It was 3 recounts, 2 death threats to college electors, and one very vague and Weekly-World-News-like accusation of russian hacking ago actually :p
Seriously though, how many times have you seen that scenario play out?
A treats B like shit because B according to A, B would do something that A wouldn't like if X happened, even though X has not happened and B has done nothing wrong at all. And then A goes on to actually do exactly what he shat on B for.
There's no way to be absolutely sure of course, but I suspect that if Trump had lost, he wouldn't have acted half as silly as the Dems are now.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
I have almost 20 years experience as a professional dishwasher and cleaner. So you could say that I know what I'm doing when I'm washing dishes. I used to work a a big culinary school with several chefs and hundreds of hi-grade students. There was so much work to be done that I, the lone dishwasher, would have to help the cooks carry stuff and do basic preparations. In exchange, near the end of the shifts, when most of the customers were gone and the dishes came pouring in, those cooks would come help me do a "dishes blitz" because doing everything alone was simply impossible. During some of the hairier nights, even the top chef would come help me out.
And this is where you see how someone can behave irrationally because he can't let go of a particular mindset. The guy had just spent the entire evening giving instructions and orders, teaching and correcting students in their work. He was firmly set in his "teacher/boss" mindset. But the thing is, he wasn't very good at washing massive amount of dishes. So I tried several times to show him tricks of the trade, to give him a tip or two on how to be better at it. But he could not accept anything I said; he didn't even listen to me, because he was too stuck in his manner of thinking. Whenever I tried to tell him something, he just cut me off and turned my advice back on me.
Had the guy just come in from home, I'm pretty sure he would've gotten what I said and implemented it pretty easily. But he wasn't a guy coming from home: he was THE TEACHER. So there you had this world-class food maker, working in pretty useless fashion in the dishes area, like overstuffing the machine so nothing would clean properly, or racking glasses the wrong way, or other basic beginner mistakes like that, because the was THE TEACHER and nothing else. He had a mental block; he couldn't change his attitude even when circumstances would have required it.
When I see a 3rd-wave feminist, I see the same mental mistake: the got-stuck-in-an-obsolete-mindset mistake. The modern feminists' mindset is I WANT MORE THINGS FROM SOCIETY. (They call that "wanting equality", but that's a pretty transparent lie so I won't get into that here). So the same thing happens to them than to my chef from earlier: as the situation changes, and their goals are met, their mindset itself does not change.
Let's say feminists asked for "more grade-school female teachers" 20 years ago, when the ratio of female teachers was 20%. Their mindset of WE WANT MORE THINGS was (arguably) relevant back then. But as the proportion of female teachers hit 50% and kept increasing, they did not change their tune. As of today, where I live there's 80% female teachers. But are they satisfied? Do they stop requesting, even though their goal has been reached and exceeded by far? No, of course not. I saw an article in a major newspaper just today where a feminist complains about the "poor women teachers" and "the oppressive patriarchy and blatant sexism of the school system" (they have a very limited vocabulary). The logic of the article was extremely poor and twisted, as it would have to be to pretend that something is the opposite of what it actually is.
If an outsider were to look at this, he would clearly see that the pretend goal of "equality" has long been achieved and forgotten. But these feminists are not outsiders. They are the WANTERS OF MORE THINGS. They are unable to change discourse and attitude as reality changes; they don't even stop to check if their goals have been met or not; they just plow ahead.
So it's not only important to have an open MIND: it's also important to have an open mindSET, so you can adapt and change course according to the current situation.
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Well, that's excellent news. I was afraid that we were going to have a very boring and unproductive discussion about stupid made-up words. I was willing to have it, because I think it's important that we give everyone a chance to express their ideas, no matter how inane they are. But I'm happy that you decided to be reasonbale and not debate such a silly topic. Since you're so clearly a girl, of course we'll just keep using her/she/hers and be done with it.
Glad we can put this behind us.
Friday, December 9, 2016
That's the russian word for "fish".
In russian, whenever you want to say "a small something", you just add a K before the final A.
So if you want to say "small fish'. you say...
The russian word for "water" is VODA.
So if you want to say "small water", you say...
The term "Millenial" is not a label in the same sense as "Liberal" or "Atheist" are labels. It's a category; it's an age group. You can be born in any year and choose your political leaning and describe it as"liberal" or any other number of ways. You can believe in one god, zero gods, or a multitude of gods, at any age, and thus call yourself an "agnostic atheist" or whatever you want.
But you can't be a young baby boomer, and you can't choose to describe yourself as a "Millenial" if you're 70 years old.
So saying "As a millenial, I don't like labels" does not make you look like a retard.
Creating endless memes in bad faith about that phrase does.
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Trevor Noah has Tomi Lahren on his show.
My take : cool talk. They should do that more often.
Seriously though, if shitfests like the Daily Show had the exact opposite proportion of what they have now (as in, 95% debates and 5% commentary), maybe this country would understand itself better. If Noah could drop his silly habit of baiting a cheap laugh every 2 minutes, these talks would actually become pretty edifying.
I hope she does Maher next.
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
"Climate change is a fact"
What does that sentence really mean?
Does it mean "The climate is changing" or "The climate is not was it used to be and won't be what it is now in the future"? In that case, I think it's fair to say that's true...but it's not very meaningful or insightful.
Does it mean "The Earth is warming up at exactly the rate predicted and in the exact way predicted by our climate models"? In that case, it would be extraordinarily insightful...but not very true.
Or does it mean something between those two things?
If the weather forecast says "12 inches of snow" and you get 3 inches, was the prediction right? Was the snowfall a "fact"? What about if you do get 12 inches, but a day or 2 after it was supposed to fall? What if you get 12 inches of snow at the right time...but a few hundred miles off? I would say there is no clear-cut, one-word answer to that question. Nobody's saying that there was no snow, nobody is pretending that it was 100% sunny that day. But you could argue that the prediction was not 100% on, that being off by a factor of 4 is an error big enough to call it a failure or a useless prediction. You could rate the "truth" of the prediction as a 7 out of 10 or something. Even better would be to rate each aspect of the prediction separately, like A+ for quantity, B- for timing and so on. In none of those cases is it crystal-clear whether the forecast became a "fact" or not. It's all on a scale.
You're not an expert on climatology or climate change. I'm sure as hell not one. Nobody you know personally is. Even the world's leading authorities on the subject are having trouble coming up with a model that is not so inaccurate that it becomes completely useless. Climate models are mindblowingly complex pieces of mathematics, physics, dynamics, and so on. Thousands of scientists all over the world have to cooperate and rely on each others' research and results to come up with predictions and. On top of that, it's next to impossible to get your hands on data that has not already been spun in one political manner or another. The best we have right now basically boils down to "It's definitely going in this general direction but with pretty large error bars on both sides"
Add the twist that there is much to gain by overselling the "threat" of climate change to rival industrial nations. If one superpower can keep running its economy full-throttle while others voluntarily sign crippling accords and deals, it gains a yuge advantage. Climate change propaganda is partly a weapon of economic and monetary domination.
Factoring all that, you're left with little in lieu of easy-to-digest, simplistic conclusions. Endlessly repeating "Climate change is a fact because 98% of climate experts agree on it" or sharing clips of Bernie Sanders saying it does not make you look smart...or I should say, it makes you look exactly as smart as the ones yelling "Climate change is a hoax".
First Guy : You know what? Sometimes I wonder about what amount of immigration is the best for my country...I'm worried that some cultures might not share values that are very dear to me and my peers, and that letting in an inordinate number of people form those cultures might cause friction. In my opinion, we should carefully select who we let in and who we keep out so we don't overburden our social safety net.
Second Guy : You're so racist.
First Guy : Well, it's not that. I just expect that people that want to come live in this country ask for permission before moving in. Remember that western culture has a much more egalitarian view of gender issues; if you look at Scandinavian countries for example, you can see that the crime rate against women has gone up tenfold since the beginning of massive immigration about a decade ago. That can't be a coincidence. And speaking of Scandinavia, did you know that the more egalitarian a society is, the more pronounced the differences between the genders become? That's because men and women have fundamental biological differences, are attracted to different carreers and generally speaking seek different things out of life.
Second Guy : Man, you're soooo sexist.
First Guy : Meh, I'm not so sure that's fair. I'm just not that into that recent "everybody should think exactly the same and everybody should be included in everything all the time" ideology I see popping around on TV and social media. I'm convinced that giving equal rights and opportunities to as many people as possible is the best we can do of course, but that doesn't imply that the end result will be equal representation of every possible type of person in every facet of society. Human beings come in multiple colors, sizes, cultural backgrounds, academic backgrounds, political leanings, and we need to respect that. I don't see the point in constantly and suddenly being offended on other people's behalf for things that have been around for decades or centuries. The state doesn't need to come in every time someone feels uneasy about someone else saying or doing something they disagree with. I really can't see how you police every little minor aspect of people's public and even private life until it fits everyone 100%. After all, as just another average guy, I just wanna make sure the needs of my family and close relatives are met before I go on a crusade to save every human being on the planet.
Second Guy : You're literally Hitler.
First Guy : *sigh*
In under one month, we went from OMG HE'S GONNA DEPORT EVELENTY MILLION PEOPLE AND DECLARE WORLDWAR 3 OHNOES to "He tweets a lot" and "He answers the phone when Taiwan calls".
Maybe we'll make it after all.
Maybe we'll make it after all.
Monday, December 5, 2016
In north America, men are fleeing the marriage institution (and traditional family model) in droves because the social contract has become too unfair to them. For a man, the long-term risks of getting married exceed the potential benefits by far, and since men can see that, there's fewer and fewer of them who buy in. Every man knows a man whose life has been crippled or ruined to some degree by a bad marriage; while some are still willing to try it, and some marriages of course DO turn out perfectly fine, there is a shortage.
So we have a multitude of women who end up with no potential partners, wondering what went wrong and what to do next. If the current trend continues, I fully expect the extreme feminists to do, one more time, what has been so successfull in the past : go cry to daddy-state for some new laws favoring them even more. After the predictable round of public shaming in the mass media, the usual victimisation and complaining, their next logical step would be to lobby for some state muscle to come in. Maybe in the force of short-term financial incentives to draw men into marriage, or (more probable and in line with past changes) penalties against men who do not marry. For example, in Quebec, in addition to paying provincial tax, federal tax, retirement plans, invalidity insurance, and unemployment insurance directly off of our paychecks, there is also this little thing called "family insurance" (whatever). It is a very small amount for now (around 1%), but the principle is basically that every single worker in the province has to contribute directly to finance family creators IN ADDITION to every other deduction. The wedge is already in; all they really need to do is increase the amount paid by unmarried people until it becomes crippling.
Men don't want to marry anymore because it's not worth it and it's too dangerous. We as a society could revise our social contract until it becomes equitable again. But I predict that feminist lobbies will find it preferable to force men into marriage in some way.
So we have a multitude of women who end up with no potential partners, wondering what went wrong and what to do next. If the current trend continues, I fully expect the extreme feminists to do, one more time, what has been so successfull in the past : go cry to daddy-state for some new laws favoring them even more. After the predictable round of public shaming in the mass media, the usual victimisation and complaining, their next logical step would be to lobby for some state muscle to come in. Maybe in the force of short-term financial incentives to draw men into marriage, or (more probable and in line with past changes) penalties against men who do not marry. For example, in Quebec, in addition to paying provincial tax, federal tax, retirement plans, invalidity insurance, and unemployment insurance directly off of our paychecks, there is also this little thing called "family insurance" (whatever). It is a very small amount for now (around 1%), but the principle is basically that every single worker in the province has to contribute directly to finance family creators IN ADDITION to every other deduction. The wedge is already in; all they really need to do is increase the amount paid by unmarried people until it becomes crippling.
Men don't want to marry anymore because it's not worth it and it's too dangerous. We as a society could revise our social contract until it becomes equitable again. But I predict that feminist lobbies will find it preferable to force men into marriage in some way.
Sunday, December 4, 2016
I'm a single white 41-year old male. I rent a small and miserable room in an unpopular part of town so that my rent is low enough to allow me to work part-time and travel quite a lot. Of course the woman upstairs is a single mother and she can afford a gigantic 7-room appartment for herself and one daughter, all on a 22-hour a week job, thanks to the welfare state, but that's not what this piece is about.
One of the disadvantages of living in a cramped space is that you have to rub shoulders with fellow roomates a little too often, and from a little too close. While each room is entirely seperate and has its own lock and mailbox, we do share bathrooms and common hallways. One of the other renters is a 22-year old Haitian immigrant. She came in about a year ago and never really adapted to the place. She spends an inordinate amount of time wandering aimlessly in the corridors, hugs the bathroom for literally hours, keeps pestering the intendant, and is generally a nuisance. I would already be considered a monster just for saying this out loud, because tolerance only ever works one way: WE the local people have to tolerate THEM. But again, if that was all there was, I wouldn't say a thing.
However the situation culminated recently when that girl had a breakup (or something, I don't know her that much) and started behaving in a completely random and unacceptable manner. She started making noisy fusses in the common areas at any time of day or night; she literally lied down and started sleeping in the middle of the hallway or in front of other tenant's doors, with her pillow and everything. One night, she was completely drunk, as well as deeply intoxicated on something else. Around 2 AM, she started trying to break into random tenant's appartments. She tried breaking in my place by barging and pulling on my door. I had to go out and try to reason with her (impossible) and escorting her back to her own room. But she came back, at 2h30, then 3h10, then 3h40, then 4h10. On her fifth "visit", I called the cops.
They came in around an hour later. And what did they do? They politely asked her to stop doing that and to go to bed. So of course she kept doing it, and around 6 AM, another tenant also called the cops. They came back and asked her one more time to please not do that then left. She finally ran out of energy around 7h30 and went to bed.
Now you ask, "How is any of this sexist or racist? Did the cops do anything wrong?" No, I don't really think so. But an old trick of mine is : if I suspect that something could be sexist or racist, I flip it around to see if the outcome would be different. Now try picturing this situation instead. If I, as a 41-year old white male, got completely drunk and intoxicated on powerful psychotropes, and tried breaking into a 22-year old girl's room in the middle of the night, and the cops you think they would politely ask me to stop and then leave?
It's pretty funny just to think about it. And yes,I understand that the cops have to do assessment of risk and so on, that I'm considered more "dangerous" by default and I should just accept it and so on. But the main beef I have about situations like these is this : showing people that they can get away with more deviant behavior than other people because of their identity is not a good way to integrate them.
Saturday, December 3, 2016
....if you're one of the actors and one of your lines is "Fire!"
...or if there is an actual fire.
More seriously though, you are also allowed to do it if you have reasonable reason to think that it's true even if it does not turn out to be (the "Just wanted to be safe" defense).
The phrase originated in the 1919 case of Schenk VS The United States which was about propaganda against the draft. The original wording was "falsely shouting fire in a crowded theater". The popular culture version usually omits the very important word "falsely". It's mostly used by people who want to censor speech that displeases them. It was never a law or even an amendment to a law. It was never anything more than a remark from one of the judges in a decision that was overturned long ago.
Only speech that is both dangerous and completely false is punishable by law. Which means that speech that is considered dangerous but turns out to be true is allowed. So don't be intimidated by someone who throws this at you in an argument ;)
One whispers to the other "My wife is still convinced that I voted for Hillary, but I voted for Trump lololol"
The other goes "You too?"
How many hundreds of times do you think that very scene has actually played out across the nation?
The other goes "You too?"
How many hundreds of times do you think that very scene has actually played out across the nation?
Friday, December 2, 2016
Shigeru Miyamoto : "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad."
Millions of gamers : "What about download patches?"
Mityamoto : "...Shut up."
Millions of gamers : "What about download patches?"
Mityamoto : "...Shut up."
A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.
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A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.
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A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.
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A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.
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A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.
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Thursday, December 1, 2016
Affirmative action is the policy of favoring members of a disadvantaged group who suffer or have suffered from discrimination within a culture.
Or if you prefer, you do the exact same thing you used to hate other people for doing. Instead of creating an actual level playing field where literally EVERYONE can compete fairly, you arbitrarily decide that one group has "has its time" and now needs to take a back seat. Positive (ugh) discrimination leaves meritocracy and effort on the back-burner for the profit of identity politics.
The inevitable end result is that you end up with a less competent corps of personel than you would have with REAL equality. For example, if only 10% of candidates for police jobs are women, and you force a quota of 50% female police workers, the women chosen for the job won't be as good as a simple result of being selected from a much smaller pool of applicants. And again, since nobody bats an eye when it's men being shafted, here's a reverse example : if a health-care system decided to impose 50% male nurses, you would get a dropoff in nurse quality because you would have to turn away many excellent female candidates and let in mediocre men.
It also creates as many problems as it solves. Watch the sh*t hit the fan when you combine the current implementation of this idea (forcing equality of outcome and equal representation everywhere) with that other deliriant ideology, the spectrum of gender identities. There's not gonna be enough jobs in existence to accomodate everyone I tell ya. What's Justin "2015" Trudeau gonna do about his silly cabinet parity when there's more accepted genders than positions in the cabinet? Enlarge it? Make ministers take turns?
Somewhere along the way, we stopped thinking "Offering the same opportunities that white men have to women and minorities is progress" and started thinking "Women and minorities are a progress compared to white men".
Preventing someone from getting a job or an award because of their identity, even though they are the most qualified for it, is discrimination pure and simple. You're just adding the word "positive" at the end to feel better about yourself when you're the one doing it.
"Mansplaining" is a sexist and thus completely unacceptable word.
To see if something is sexist (or racist or discriminatory in any way), just flip it around.
Let's say I think the phrase "The boy gave a red balloon to the girl." is not sexist. I flip it.
The girl gave a red balloon to the boy.
Seems fine.
Now let's try...
My husband keeps mansplaining to me about everything. >
My wife keeps womansplaining to me about everything.
If you're a woman, would you find it perfectly acceptable if someone told you that you're "womansplaining" ? If not, why?
If you can't take it, don't dish it out.
To see if something is sexist (or racist or discriminatory in any way), just flip it around.
Let's say I think the phrase "The boy gave a red balloon to the girl." is not sexist. I flip it.
The girl gave a red balloon to the boy.
Seems fine.
Now let's try...
My husband keeps mansplaining to me about everything. >
My wife keeps womansplaining to me about everything.
If you're a woman, would you find it perfectly acceptable if someone told you that you're "womansplaining" ? If not, why?
If you can't take it, don't dish it out.
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