Tuesday, December 6, 2016


First Guy : You know what? Sometimes I wonder about what amount of immigration is the best for my country...I'm worried that some cultures might not share values that are very dear to me and my peers, and that letting in an inordinate number of people form those cultures might cause friction. In my opinion, we should carefully select who we let in and who we keep out so we don't overburden our social safety net.

Second Guy : You're so racist.

First Guy : Well, it's not that. I just expect that people that want to come live in this  country ask for permission before moving in. Remember that western culture has a much more egalitarian view of gender issues; if you look at Scandinavian countries for example, you can see that the crime rate against women has gone up tenfold since the beginning of massive immigration about a decade ago. That can't be a coincidence. And speaking of Scandinavia, did you know that the more egalitarian a society is, the more pronounced the differences between the genders become? That's because men and women have fundamental biological differences, are attracted to different carreers and generally speaking seek different things out of life.

Second Guy : Man, you're soooo sexist.

First Guy : Meh, I'm not so sure that's fair. I'm just not that into that recent "everybody should think exactly the same and everybody should be included in everything all the time" ideology I see popping around on TV and social media. I'm convinced that giving equal rights and opportunities to as many people as possible is the best we can do of course, but that doesn't imply that the end result will be equal representation of every possible type of person in every facet of society. Human beings come in multiple colors, sizes, cultural backgrounds, academic backgrounds, political leanings, and we need to respect that. I don't see the point in constantly and suddenly being offended on other people's behalf for things that have been around for decades or centuries. The state doesn't need to come in every time someone feels uneasy about someone else saying or doing something they disagree with. I really can't see how you police every little minor aspect of people's public and even private life until it fits everyone 100%. After all, as just another average guy, I just wanna make sure the needs of my family and close relatives are met before I go on a crusade to save every human being on the planet.

Second Guy : You're literally Hitler.

First Guy : *sigh*

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