Sunday, December 25, 2016


Trump has gotten his (un)fair share of criticism for his use of Twitter. Apparently, it reveals that he's "off the hook" and "impulsive" and "is having ameltdown a 3AM". But here's my 2 cents on it.

- The people who are making those criticisms are the ones who have been wrong about him since the beginning: they were saying that he was just a joke candidate and should not even run; then they said he had no chance at all; they trusted the polls; they predicted the market would crash and it did the exact opposite... Judging those people's track record at making predictions, I'm not sure I trust their analysis.

- Trump does not go after people that don't attack him. He only ever retaliates when things are said about him that he judges to be unfair. He just wants to let everyone know that if you pick a fight with him, you'll get a bloody nose.

- Twitter allows him to bypass the mainstream media almost entirely and talk directly to the people. That's part of his appeal and integral to his brand: a man of the people who gets his message across unfiltered.

- His mastery of Twitter would be impressive coming from anyone, but at 70 years old, it's exemplary. It's easy to underestimate the mental acumen needed to correctly carry a message in 140 characters. He completely smashes the prejudice that old people are supposed to be bad at, or scared of, technology. Plus it allows him to reach an entire segment of the population that spends its time online and doesn't care at all about TV.

I suspect that his intense use of Twitter was much more helpful than not in his quest for the Presidency...and that is one of the reasons the bitter leftwing media can't stop bashing him for it.

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