Monday, December 19, 2016


How come girls are doing so much better than boys in school?

Feminists will be happy to say that this is due to gilrs becoming more mature more quickly than boys, being better at listening, better behaved, and generally just being superior human beings compared to boys.

But one factor that is hard to ignore is the unfair advantage that girls get because female teachers (who are the overwhelming majority of teachers, which for some reason does not outrage feminists who are "all about equality") give girls higher grades when presented with identical material to grade.


A large-scale scientific study across 60 countries reveal that female teacher will systematically and unfairly grade a paper or an assignment higher if they think it was produced by a female student, rather than being presented anonymously or under a boy's name.

So from the earliest age, boys have to work harder to get the same result and recognition. This piles up over other factors like limited access to physical education, the reduction or even abolition or recess time, restriction on what activites are allowed during said recess, and so on. Gee, I wonder if we could call that discrimination?

And all that unfairness doesn't even benefit girls, since better grades do not at all translate to better job performance, better career paths and better income if they were earned because of a systemic failure and are not the result of actual performance.

Where's the outrage?

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